Delivering late: a viable option for behind-schedule projects? (photo credit: marcp_dmoz) |
1. Add more staff to the project
2. Work longer hours, including doing overtime and burning weekends (Ouch...)
3. Work people harder, expect more out of the same number of hours. Employees might do this by reducing interaction time with other employees, or some might cut corners, like do less documentation, testing.
4. Cut scope, i.e. deliver less
5. Do nothing and deliver late
A poll of 50+ mid-career professionals showed that in their workplaces, the preference is for option #1, #2 and #3.
However, research into this area showed that option #1-3 generate negative "side effects" that can develop into vicious cycles having major impacts on the project. For example, by adding more staff, the average experience of the team is diluted, lowering the productivity of the team and also causing more errors in work done.
The key though is the vicious cycle, or in technical speak, feedback loops. Continuing on the earlier example, the generated errors can create more errors downstream, for example think of the situation when software is implemented based on erroneous requirements. Consequently, though there are more people in the team, the team gets less work done than before. Similar arguments apply for the other two options.
Model showing "side effects" of various approaches to catch up on late schedules Credit: Professor James M. Lyneis |
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